Power your business by taking control of your budget

Discover how Google Ads can help you get the most out of your investment.

Explore benchmarks to set your budget

Get insights into industry ad budgets so you can optimize your own. Enter your business information for budget benchmarks based on industry benchmarks.
Get your ad budget benchmarks

Get the most from your budget

With Google Ads, you decide how much you spend on your campaigns. To optimize your investment and control advertising costs, you’ll need to understand key budget concepts and how they work together. We’ll help you do both.
  • Cost-per-click

    CPC bidding means you pay for each click on your ads. In CPC campaigns, you set a maximum cost-per-click bid (or “max. CPC”) unless you make large adjustments or use Enhanced CPC.
  • An icon depicts a gauge

    Average daily budget

    Your average daily budget specifies how much you’re comfortable spending each day for the month. You can adjust it anytime.
  • Goals Icons

    Monthly spending limit

    Your monthly spending limit is the most you’ll spend on a campaign in a single month. It’s calculated by multiplying your average daily budget by the average number of days in a month.

See how businesses are using Google Ads to drive success.

Tutorial: How Google Ads budget pacing works

Learn the importance of budget pacing, how it works, and how to use your budget report to understand how your average daily budget determines campaign spending limits.

Get started with a Google Ads Expert

Speak to one of our experts and we’ll provide easy first steps to jumpstart your campaign.
 A Google Ads expert and customer working together on a call.