My experience with Dr Dang and her Staff was beyond perfect.
They were amazingly great by being pleasant, communicative, caring and Patient.
Their professionalism and Compassion were excellent.
Dr Dang did take time to explain the procedure clearly and concisely to me about the type of fibroids treatment needed to have, which was UFE.
She is very competent and caring in the domain.
She called me several times to make sure that everything going well and medication taken properly.
From the beginning to the end, there's nothing to complain about.
I won't forget Miss Karen, who is very knowledgeable, friendly, nice and welcoming; never forget to respond and give follow up to your request and always reminded you of something in case you forget.
Nurse Marina, was the one looking after me after my post procedure. Her bedside manners was perfect. Now I'm laughing at myself of how baby ish I was after waking up. Thank you Nurse Marina.
Overall, Doctor Dang Yvonne is THE excellent doctor that I recommend to everyone who is having issues with fibroids.
A big thank you to all of you guys!
Keep up the good work!!!!!!
Excellent excellent excellent!!!!!