The main signs of a migraine :
A migraine is considered more than just a headache. It may cause debilitating and throbbing that can leave you bedridden for days. A medicine doctor near you can help prevent them from interfering with your daily routine. The Newtown Clinic helps us in identifying the symptoms of a migraine.
Signs of a migraine
The following signs mean that you may be having a migraine -
>> A throbbing or pulsating pain that occurs on either or both sides of the head.
>> Experiencing sensitivity to light, sound and certain odours.
>> Persistent nausea and vomiting.
>> The occurrence of visual disturbances, such as flashes of light or blind spots.
>> The feeling of lightheadedness, dizziness or fainting.
>> A tingling sensation or numbness in the face or extremities.
>> Having difficulty in speaking or understanding another person's speech.
>> Recurrent fatigue or weakness even though physical activity may be limited.
>> Aura (visual or sensory disturbances) before the headache begins for some individuals.
>> Having issues when concentrating on something.
>> Having a stiff neck.
>> A constant ringing in your ears.
>> Sensitivity to touch or having a feeling that someone is touching you.
>> The head begins to feel as if it is pounding or pulsating.
The aforementioned points are signs of a migraine and if it persists then consider consulting The Newtown Clinic for treatment regarding the same.