Stephanie McCarty, Canton Realtor®
Stephanie McCarty, Canton Realtor®
3 years ago
Market update. . .life as we knew it in the real estate world, for agents, is TOTALLY different than it should be or used to be. Anyone who believes that this extreme seller's market is great for agents, would be very wrong. We have the real stress of working with serious buyers who just cannot seem to get an offer accepted no matter WHAT we do, no matter how creative we get, and no matter how much of risk they are willing to accept in order to buy a home. It's not supposed to be this way. Extremely low inventory, a very high number of buyers, in metro Atlanta, is making it really tough for serious buyers. Nobody has a crystal ball, no agent can guarantee that an offer written by them WILL be the winner. ach seller is different and each seller is being represented by an agent and that agent has his or her own opinions and recommendations that may or may not coincide with the strategy a particular buyer has employed when making an offer. If you are thinking of selling, it's a great time to be a seller. And, hopefully, in the not too distant future, the market will make little more sense for buyers and sellers real soon. I know this for sure. . .if you are jumping in, work with an experienced and successful agent to avoid wasted time and frustration.
Considering selling your home to an ibuyer for "convenience"? That makes even less sense in this market. Save $. We can sell your home without showings. Contact me to discuss further.
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