Stephanie McCarty, Canton Realtor®
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Stephanie McCarty, Canton Realtor®
Stephanie McCarty, Canton Realtor®
5 years ago
Things you should not say to the listing agent at an open house. Pretty good stuff, I have to say.
You Love the House
This seems like a natural and polite thing to say at an open house, but your outward love could prevent the current owners from lowering their price. Their agent may try to get you to pay more than the asking price because you’ve already shown how much you love the house.
You Need to Move Soon
Desperation to find a home because you’re starting a new job in the area or your lease ends soon can give the seller’s agent a reason to raise the price.
Revealing Your Budget
Don’t let on that the home’s listing price is under your budget—either by a specific amount or just in general. This could hurt you in negotiations if the sellers know you can afford to spend more.
Financial Problems
Admitting to a seller’s agent that you have a low credit score, high debt or a past bankruptcy can lead the sellers to thinking you have enough financial problems to prevent you from qualifying for a mortgage. This can end serious negotiations quickly. Keep such problems to yourself and work with your agent and loan provider to overcome them.
Personal Issues
If you recently got a new job, are expecting a child, have a parent moving in with you or have another personal issue that hints at an immediate need to buy a home, leave the information to yourself or only tell your agent. Your personal life should remain just that—personal—and shouldn’t be used against you.
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