Violating a restraining order in the state of Arizona is a serious charge that comes with serious repercussions, including fines, potential jail time, and even criminal charges.
If you have violated the terms of your Arizona restraining order or order of protection anywhere within the state of Arizona, you may likely be charged with a restraining order violation.
This means that not only will the restraining order show up in your background checks, but so, too, will any violations of the terms of such orders.
Do you know what the grounds are for violating a restraining order?
Learn More in our blog, " Violation of a Restraining Order or Order of Protection in Arizona"
Your best bet is to try to seek for the dismissal or perhaps even modification(s) to the order of protection against you, which criminal defense attorney Arja Shah can help you do.
Call Arja Shah today at 602.888.0369. We’ll begin with your no-cost legal consultation and stay by your side until the fight for justice in your case is won.
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