Is mail fraud in our state of AZ a misdemeanor or a felony?
Any guesses?
If you are charged with mail fraud in the state of Arizona, you will have to face your charges in the federal court.
That means that you will need an experienced fraud attorney who understands and who has represented clients in federal court before, to ensure the best defense is built for your case.
To understand the level of mail fraud you face, and to determine whether or not it constitutes a felony or misdemeanor charges, we will investigate the details of your unique charges and help you understand exactly what you’re up against.
To schedule your completely free, complimentary legal consultation with expert Phoenix theft lawyers, call our Arizona law office at ☎️ 602-888-0369.
👉 Learn More about mail fraud and the different classifications of theft in Arizona, read our blog "Is Mail Fraud in Arizona a Felony or Misdemeanor?"
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