What is OSAP?
Congratulations on being accepted to attend post-secondary education in Ontario! Education is expensive, but the Government of Ontario provides a financial assistance program consisting of loans and grants to students called OSAP, or the Ontario Student Assistance Program.
How do I apply for OSAP?
You can apply for OSAP at the website listed below. If you have questions about eligibility, you can also check directly with the Financial Aid Office at your post-secondary school.
What information do I need to provide on my OSAP application?
To qualify for OSAP, you must fill out application forms and provide documentation to prove your income, as well as other information such as your marital status, parental status and Indigenous status. You can qualify for different financial benefits depending on your personal situation, but you need to prove to OSAP officials that you fit the categories that you claim to be a part of.
Click on learn more to download free OSAP affidavit templates!