What is a RIN?
It can be beneficial for corporations to own a vehicle. For instance, this can make it easier to authorize several employees to drive the company car. In Ontario, all vehicles must be registered through Service Ontario. Sometimes this process can be completed by the car dealership where you purchase your car. However, if you need to register a vehicle yourself or you want to transfer a personal vehicle to your business, you require either a driver’s license or a nine-digit number called a “Registrant Identification Number” or RIN. Since a business cannot have a driver’s license, it is necessary to obtain a RIN so that you can register the vehicle.
How do I get a Registrant Identification Number (RIN) for my company?
To obtain a RIN, it is a good idea to contact Service Ontario and verify their current requirements. They, unfortunately, do not provide specific guidelines for RIN applications on their website as of the date of this posting. Generally, you will have to provide identification to them and prove to them that you are a business owner authorized to register a vehicle, which you can do by showing them your articles of incorporation and other business registration information. You will also need to provide them with a sworn statement or statutory declaration commissioned by a commissioner of oaths or notary public.
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