Red Seal Notary
  • Notary Public in North York
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Red Seal Notary
Red Seal Notary
1 year ago

A power of attorney is a legal document where one person gives another person authority to make decisions on their behalf. An attorney in this case does not need to be a lawyer but means anyone given the power to act for someone else.

Powers Of Attorney For Use Outside Canada
One of the most popular uses of the power of attorney documents is to authorize a relative or friend to act on your behalf in another country when you are not able to make the trip yourself. For instance, many people provide a power of attorney to a relative to handle the sale of their property in other countries. A power of attorney needs to comply with the laws of the country where it will be used, and you may wish to consult a lawyer familiar with the laws of that country.

When you sign a power of attorney for use in another country, you may need to have your signature notarized. You also may need to have your notarized document authenticated by the Canadian and/or Provincial government, and then legalized by the Embassy or Consulate of that country. It is important to contact the embassy or the consulate of the country where you will be using the power of attorney to ensure that you understand and meet all their requirements.

Each province and territory in Canada has its own laws governing power of attorney documents. It is important to be familiar with the laws in your area. You may wish to consult a lawyer for assistance.
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