Custom Intel i9 9900K Custom Gaming PC. One of our existing Customer’s wanted to upgrade their existing gaming PC and they already owned an Asus Nvidia GTX 1080Ti Graphics Card. So of course we utilised their Graphics Card and fitted to the new build. This build includes G Skill 16GB Trident Z RGB Memory Samsung 500GB NVME M.2 SSD for OS and programmes and a Samsung 1TB SSD for Games, Asus ROG Z390-F Gaming motherboard, Coolermaster 750Watt PSU, Intel i9 9900K CPU fully assembled and cable managed inside the CIT Raider Case by our talented system builders here in Kempston Bedfordshire. Customer wanted the colour to be fixed as White👊 looks really good.. all in record time as all parts in stock ordered yesterday and we fitted the card while customer waited😀 customer left seeing his computer working in the knowledge that all will work when they go home😀