TL;DR -this isn't another 5-Star review because ***five isn't enough*** as Brett deserves an award for "Highest Integrity" in the automotive business - hands down.
In a time when quality of goods and services are in short supply up steps Brett and the team at Pensacola AC & Auto. I had a rather complex issue that even the local big name dealership couldn't or didn't properly diagnose. In hindsight I almost feel there is an inherent conflict of interests with dealership service departments especially when it involves older vehicles. Sell a new car? or Service an old one?? At any rate, the dealership quoted me a 4-figure price for items not needed and almost certainly would not have resolved the original issue. I must assume the dealership looked at the age and mileage and just has a standard protocol of things to replace based on age. The problem with this approach is that I had already had many of those items performed elsewhere, and even performed some myself so I had my suspicions. Here is where Brett's integrity truly stands out: Brett also initially missed the root cause of the issue BUT instead of taking the easy route that 99.99% of mechanics would have taken aka "this is a new or a separate issue and BTW, here is new quote" Brett literally "leaned in" and took full ownership of the matter - and then some. Where any other mechanic shop would have washed their hands, Brett rolled up his sleeves and went above and beyond.
I haven't even mentioned the very nicely appointed waiting area, the empathy and conversations with service managers Orie and Blake (you were right about your father), the complimentary snacks, the service technicians (left no oily fingerprints on a white exterior/tan interior!) - what more can I say other than you guys have set the bar very high.
To your continued growth and success, sincerely.