Nystrom & Associates - Eau Claire
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Nystrom & Associates - Eau Claire
Psychiatry & Medication Services
Psychiatrists are physicians who specialize in the treatment of mental health conditions through mental health services. For more information click:
Counseling & Psychotherapy Services
Nystrom & Associates, Ltd. (NAL) Counseling & Psychotherapy services are made up of professional clinicians who are committed to helping persons experiencing personal, emotional, marriage, family, or psychological problems. For more information, visit:
Child & Family Therapy
In sessions, the child develops a healthy and positive relationship with the therapist following for the child to express themselves in a non-threatening manner. For more information, click:
Group Therapy for Kids
Nystrom & Associates, Ltd., offers group therapy for individuals struggling with a variety of issues including anger management, grief & loss, depression, anxiety, chemical dependency, and more. For more information, click:
Group Therapy for Adults
Nystrom & Associates, Ltd., offers group therapy for individuals struggling with a variety of issues including anger management, grief & loss, depression, anxiety, Substance Use Disorders, and more. For more information, click:
Marriage & Couples Counseling
Marital or couples counseling can help individuals work through relationship dynamics, conflict, normal life stressors, and more. For more information, click:
42 reviews
Marcia Allen
Hace 6 meses
My provider L. Pinter is outstanding however the organization and systems needs improvement. I feel sometimes I fall through the cracks and it's not with my provider, but glitches within the system and Communications. I also took the genesight test and it took about a month to get it done and then when the results came back they were unreadable. When someone is struggling time is of the essence and many weeks have gone by without the progress I would have liked because of the systems. I do believe the company has it's heart in the right place and probably has outstanding providers. I can't imagine how others in worse shape than me are navigating through the phone switchboards, insurance; glitches with followmyhealth, etc. (Traducido por Google) Mi proveedor L. Pinter es excepcional, sin embargo, la organización y los sistemas necesitan mejoras. A veces siento que me quedo al margen y no es con mi proveedor, sino con fallas dentro del sistema y las comunicaciones. También me hice la prueba de genesight y me llevó aproximadamente un mes realizarla y luego, cuando llegaron los resultados, eran ilegibles. Cuando alguien tiene dificultades el tiempo es esencial y han pasado muchas semanas sin el progreso que me hubiera gustado gracias a los sistemas. Creo que la empresa tiene su corazón en el lugar correcto y probablemente cuente con proveedores destacados. No puedo imaginar cómo otras personas en peores condiciones que yo navegan por las centralitas telefónicas, los seguros; fallos con followmyhealth, etc.
Rick S
Hace 10 meses
While I understand the importance of sharing feedback, I typically refrain from writing explicitly negative reviews for businesses due to their potential impact. However, I must express my deep disappointment with my experience at Nystrom and Associates. Over the past 10 years, I've had a handful of prescriptions, and until working with Nystrom, I never encountered problems with receiving my medications on time. Regrettably, for the past six months, my medications have consistently run out due to the lack of attention and care from Nystrom. Attempts to seek assistance through the Nurse Line only resulted in being given the run-around, and my issues were not resolved in a timely or reasonable manner. Despite reading negative reviews before starting with Nystrom, I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, but my experience hasn't improved as I hoped. Moreover, I have been bombarded with texts and phone calls, claiming that my provider is "requesting a follow-up," despite my provider explicitly telling me otherwise multiple times. I can only speculate on the motivation behind insisting on unnecessary follow-ups, which has been quite frustrating. For those seeking mental health help, I strongly advise against working with Nystrom. My experience leads me to believe that they don't genuinely care about their patients. Instead, I encourage you to reach out to me if you'd like to hear more about my experiences and find a provider who will treat you with the respect and care you deserve. Edit: I'm sure Nystrom will give me the same boilerplate response, so to Nystrom: please don't waste your time responding to this. Instead, just do better. Edit: See boilerplate response from Nystrom below... (Traducido por Google) Si bien entiendo la importancia de compartir comentarios, normalmente me abstengo de escribir reseñas explícitamente negativas para las empresas debido a su impacto potencial. Sin embargo, debo expresar mi profunda decepción con mi experiencia en Nystrom and Associates. Durante los últimos 10 años, he recibido varias recetas y, hasta que trabajé con Nystrom, nunca tuve problemas para recibir mis medicamentos a tiempo. Lamentablemente, durante los últimos seis meses, mis medicamentos se han acabado constantemente debido a la falta de atención y cuidado de Nystrom. Los intentos de buscar ayuda a través de la Línea de Enfermería solo resultaron en evasivas y mis problemas no se resolvieron de manera oportuna o razonable. A pesar de leer críticas negativas antes de empezar con Nystrom, quería darles el beneficio de la duda, pero mi experiencia no ha mejorado como esperaba. Además, me han bombardeado con mensajes de texto y llamadas telefónicas, afirmando que mi proveedor está "solicitando un seguimiento", a pesar de que mi proveedor me dijo explícitamente lo contrario varias veces. Sólo puedo especular sobre la motivación detrás de insistir en seguimientos innecesarios, lo cual ha sido bastante frustrante. Para quienes buscan ayuda para la salud mental, les recomiendo encarecidamente que no trabajen con Nystrom. Mi experiencia me lleva a creer que realmente no se preocupan por sus pacientes. En lugar de eso, le recomiendo que se comunique conmigo si desea saber más sobre mis experiencias y encontrar un proveedor que lo trate con el respeto y la atención que se merece. Editar: Estoy seguro de que Nystrom me dará la misma respuesta estándar, así que a Nystrom: no pierda el tiempo respondiendo a esto. En lugar de eso, simplemente hazlo mejor. Editar: vea la respuesta repetitiva de Nystrom a continuación...
Meg Woods
Hace 10 meses
If you are looking for a practitioner who actually cares about your well being and your mental health, do NOT see Leila. She cuts your meetings incredibly short, rushes through the meeting, and makes actually getting the meds you need a complete hassle. She also switched to a new telehealth program that does not work (I reported this multiple times) subsequently making you unable to attend appointments, and since she must visibly see your face to fill your prescriptions, you will not get them. I don’t know what kind of professional doesn’t mind their patients going cold turkey off their mental health meds. My experience with her was so frustrating it made me literally want to just give up. Save yourself the time and trouble. Go find someone who actually cares about you. (Traducido por Google) Si está buscando un médico que realmente se preocupe por su bienestar y su salud mental, NO consulte a Leila. Ella acorta sus reuniones increíblemente cortas, las realiza apresuradamente y hace que obtener los medicamentos que necesita sea una completa molestia. También cambió a un nuevo programa de telesalud que no funciona (informé esto varias veces), lo que posteriormente le impide asistir a las citas y, dado que debe ver su cara visiblemente para surtir sus recetas, usted no las recibirá. No sé a qué tipo de profesional no le importa que sus pacientes dejen de tomar sus medicamentos para la salud mental de golpe. Mi experiencia con ella fue tan frustrante que literalmente me hizo querer rendirme. Ahórrese tiempo y problemas. Ve a buscar a alguien que realmente se preocupe por ti.
(534) 444-4562Contact UsDirections
Monday7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Thursday7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Friday7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
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Nystrom & Associates, Ltd. (NAL) is a group of professional care providers from the fields of psychology, clinical social work, marriage and family therapy, nursing, and psychiatry who are committed to helping individuals and families that are experiencing personal, emotional, marital, or psychological problems. We operate on the premise that truly effective living involves a balanced integration of all aspects of our lives including emotional, relational, cognitive, physical, and spiritual. When one experiences difficulty in one of these areas confidential and sensitive counseling can assist in the healing process.
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