Hand and Foot- nail.SPA (CWB)
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Hand and Foot- nail.SPA (CWB)
A stylish Salon to shake your stress away! Nails , SPA Treatment, Facial Treatment, Eyelashes.

5999 9896與我們聯絡路線
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1/F, No.2 Pak Sha Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Island, 香港
facial treatment
Google 評價
211 則評論
Patty Lam
4 个月前
(由 Google 翻译)这个地方是一个敲诈勒索!他们有 24 小时取消政策。如果您在 24 小时内取消预约,无论发生什么情况,他们都会从您的套餐中全额扣费。即使你病得很重,也不允许有例外!我女儿几周前住院,我提前 14 小时取消了预约。他们仍然从我的包裹中收费。那里还有很多其他美甲店,大多数都有 6 小时取消政策。我只是和另一个人一起注册。感谢上帝。我终于可以去掉“手脚指甲”了🙏🏻真是一场噩梦。 (原文) This place is a rip off! They have 24 hours cancellation policy. If you cancel your appointment in less than 24 hours, no matter what happen, they will fully charge from your package. No exceptions allowed even you are terribly sick! My daughter got in hospital few weeks ago and I cancelled the appointment 14 hours in advance. They still charge from my package. There are many other manicure shops out there, most of them are with 6 hours cancellation policy. I just sign up with another one. Thanks god. I can finally get rid of “Hand and Foot Nail”🙏🏻 It’s such a nightmare.
Julia Yureva
1 年前
(由 Google 翻译)不错的干净的地方,但对于这个价格来说没什么特别的。即使在世界上最好的美容院,我也从未支付过这个价格的修脚费用。即使在第 4 季 SPA 中我支付的费用也更少。太不可思议了。我付完支票后,他们要求我加 100 港元作为额外服务🤦‍♀️ 不推荐。当我回到家时,我还注意到修脚的质量很糟糕😕 (原文) Nice clean place but nothing of special for this price. I never paid this price for pedicure even in the best beauty saloons in the world. Even in the 4 season SPA I paid less. It’s incredible. And after I paid that check they asked me add 100 HKD for extra service🤦‍♀️ non recommend. When I arrived at home I noticed also the terrible quality of pedicure 😕
Tung Tung
2 年前
(由 Google 翻译). 今次被 @handandfoothk 邀请 有一次修脚的体验! . 但次真系真系超级享受啊! 一去到可以拣花茶 我拣左金栈花 之后坐低就有个暖暖既颈枕 暖粒粒🥰 . 第一时间浸左脚脚先 可以拣盐既 渠有成6款 我拣左薰衣草 最钟意呢个味架啦😘 . 之后就可以叹世界 张沙发坐得好舒服啊! 全程差唔多2个钟 真系感觉到被服务紧啊😉 . 由于我真系好少打理自己双脚 系一开始慨时候 脚踭脚底就已经刮咗好多死皮出嚟🙈🙈 真系会吓亲人啊🤣 . 之后佢好细心帮我逐只脚趾起晒死皮 真系超级细心❤️所以唔会觉得有任何痛楚 亦都唔会好似以前慨经验会流血💔 . 渠有超级多超级多超级多颜色可以拣 今次拣咗我都比较钟意慨粉红色💕 我觉得都几衬我啊 整完之后真系好靓呀💓 . 修脚后Gel甲后 仲有一个脚模 敷咗一阵之后 皮肤即刻变得白滑左 真系好掂呀! . 啱啱提过慨颈枕 花茶 脚模 如果系会员的话 就会全部包哂 如果逐次去的话 就只有gel甲啊😉 . (原文) . 今次被 @handandfoothk 邀請 有一次修腳的體驗! . 但次真係真係超級享受啊! 一去到可以揀花茶 我揀左金棧花 之後坐低就有個暖暖既頸枕 暖粒粒🥰 . 第一時間浸左腳腳先 可以揀鹽既 佢有成6款 我揀左薰衣草 最鍾意呢個味架啦😘 . 之後就可以嘆世界 張沙發坐得好舒服啊! 全程差唔多2個鐘 真係感覺到被服務緊啊😉 . 由於我真係好少打理自己雙腳 係一開始嘅時候 腳踭腳底就已經刮咗好多死皮出嚟🙈🙈 真係會嚇親人啊🤣 . 之後佢好細心幫我逐隻腳趾起晒死皮 真係超級細心❤️所以唔會覺得有任何痛楚 亦都唔會好似以前嘅經驗會流血💔 . 佢有超級多超級多超級多顏色可以揀 今次揀咗我都比較鍾意嘅粉紅色💕 我覺得都幾襯我啊 整完之後真係好靚呀💓 . 修腳後Gel甲後 仲有一個腳模 敷咗一陣之後 皮膚即刻變得白滑左 真係好掂呀! . 啱啱提過嘅頸枕 花茶 腳模 如果係會員的話 就會全部包哂 如果逐次去的話 就只有gel甲啊😉 .
Rachel Tung
2 年前
(由 Google 翻译)车内干净整洁,座椅舒适。温迪为我做了软凝胶美甲,她很好地指导了我的选择和过程,因为这是我第一次。我对他们的结果非常满意,总体来说是一次愉快的经历☺️ (原文) Clean and tidy interior with comfortable seats. Wendy did my soft gel manicure and she guided me through the selection and process very well, since it’s my first time. I’m very happy with how they turned out and overall had a pleasant experience ☺️
Sonia ganglani
6 个月前
(由 Google 翻译)已经买了美甲和足疗套餐。第一堂课非常好,所以我买了套餐。接下来的几次还可以,虽然没有第一次那么好,但仍然可以接受,但最后两次很糟糕!我的套餐是 2 小时的玫瑰水疗,他们甚至懒得做,甚至做得不好,但做了如此糟糕的指甲油工作。他们只是把我的脚放在烘干机下面来占用时间,因为他们不想正确地进行脚膜治疗,也没有正确地进行磨砂。在询问了按摩和玫瑰油的情况后,他们才放了几滴并进行了2分钟的按摩,然后就结束了。任何想要购买更多的人都不会想在经历了真正可怕的经历后再次访问。我带着我的女儿,甚至她的女儿也完全不能接受!请务必小心,不要从他们那里购买任何包裹。交了钱之后就被坑了! (原文) Have bought the package for manicure and pedicure. The first session was very good so I bought the package. The next few sessions were ok not as good as the first time but still acceptable but the last 2 times were terrible! My package is for 2 hours rose spa and they don't even bother doing not even a good job but did such a terrible nail paint job. They just stuck my feet under the dryer to take up the time because they didn't want to do the feet mask treatment properly nor did they do the scrub properly. Only after asking about the massage and rose oil, did they put a few drops and gave a 2 mins massage and called it a day. Anyone who would want to buy more wouldn't want to revisit after the really horrible experience. I took my daughter with me and even hers was totally not acceptable! Be very careful that you don't buy any packages from them. It's a rip off after you have paid the money!
Jennifer Li
7 个月前
(由 Google 翻译)太贵了。他们提高了不知情的游客的价格,以赚取更多的钱。服务很一般,设计简单的凝胶指甲要200多英镑……不要去这里,特别是如果你是游客。 (原文) way too expensive. They increase the prices for unknowing tourists, to rake in more money. very average service, for £200+ for gel nails with a simple design… do not go here, especially if you are a tourist.
Sonia Shah
9 个月前
(由 Google 翻译)这个地方是我做指甲 15 年来遇到过的最糟糕的服务。人们非常粗鲁,并且根据他们想要的东西收费(如果你看一下他们 iPad 上的图片,就会发现他们有多个用于国际客户的图片,一个用于中国客户的图片)。我买了这个套餐,因为店主看起来很贴心,并告诉我有折扣,但在我第一次去之后,当我一个月后回去时,价格上涨了 35%,并试图取消向我承诺的服务并向我收取费用。没有礼仪。他们还给我使用了过期的指甲油,导致我感染了真菌。如果您关心自己的身心健康,请不要来这里。 (原文) This place is the worst service I’ve ever encountered in the 15 years I’ve been getting my nails done. The people are extremely rude and charge according to what they want (if you look at the images in their iPad there are multiple one they use for international clients and one for Chinese clients). I bought the package because the owner seemed so sweet and told me it was discounted but after my first time going when I went back in a month has increased prices 35% and tried to take services promised to me away and charge me for them. There is no etiquette. They also used expired nail polish on me which gave me a fungal infection. Please don’t go here if you care about your physical and mental health.
11 个月前
(由 Google 翻译)环境干净,但价格过高,服务充其量只是平庸。 工作人员最近不断变化,而且没有接受过良好的培训。我的美甲持续时间不长,造型工作也做得不好。 如果他们在服务上花更多的精力而不是说服你花额外的钱,我会很高兴回来。 他们对大多数美甲沙龙不会收取的附加费用。 650 美元以上的简单法式美甲,甚至做得不好,根本不值得。 早在圣诞节时,他们还试图以高价出售一些非品牌身体护理套装。不断的追加销售是相当令人厌恶的。 不会推荐它。 (原文) Clean environment but way overpriced and service is mediocre at best. Staff keeps changing lately and not well trained. My manicures do not last long and shaping work is not well done. If they spend more efforts on the service rather than persuading you to spend extra, I would be happy to come back. They charge add on for things that most nail salons would not. $650+ for a simple French manicure, not even well executed, is simply not worth it. Back in Christmas, they also tried to sell some non branded body care bundles with huge markups. The constant upselling is rather distasteful. Would not recommend it.
4 个月前
(由 Google 翻译)环境不错,色彩丰富! (原文) Nice environment, lots of colors!
Crystal Wong
1 年前
(由 Google 翻译)Selina 的 SPA 和按摩体验非常棒。他们的水疗中心是必须尝试的。会再次访问。 (原文) Awesome SPA and massage experience with Selina. their spa is a must-try. will revisit.
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