How Much Does It Cost to Renovate an Apartment in Sydney? Luxury Apartment Renovation Experts
Project Year: 2019
Project Cost: $200,001 AUD - $500,000 AUD
Country: Australia
City: Mosman, New South Wales (Sydney)
Postcode: 2088
We can design, create and implement the perfect kitchen or bathroom renovations for your apartment. If your goal is to sell your home or to add value to your property, a kitchen and bathroom renovation is the perfect place to start. These renovations are as unique as you. We are able to provide you with fantastic design that will meet all your requirements, which will give you 100% satisfaction. We offer full project management for your residential properties.
We make apartment renovations easy with our team of architects, designers and expert builders . From the first ideas that you have to the final design, our team will help you each step of the way.
Hometek Renovations & Extensions specialize in providing stylish, functional and innovative living spaces to our clients.
Come and visit our show room on Botany Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015!
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