We're working hard to keep Nevada homes & businesses healthy. Good hygiene and a clean home are major factors to keep your immune system strong.
As an additional service after cleaning, we've always offered treatment with our hospital grade disinfectant product that is safe for fabrics, carpets, and rugs, along with hard surfaces. We've increased our stock to help meet the demand.
Procedure of on equipment
1 clean all wands,hoses,buffer and corner guards before and after entering any resident it’s mandatory
2) wears gloves and shoe covers in homes
3) add a industry standard amount in our cleaning process
4) constant educating our staff of if they show any flu like system stay home
While we don't make any claims regarding it's effectiveness on this current strain of virus, it is a Virucidal (HIV-1), Bactericidal (Including MRSA), Fungicidal, and Tuberculocidal product that Kills Over 99.99% of Germs. Not only that, it's made from plant extracts that are safe around your family.
Call us at 702-569-3053 and let's keep your home or business healthy.
Don Dial
Dial carpet cleaning