High Efficiency Cooling Systems and Solutions
Approximately 6 percent of your home’s energy consumption is used through cooling. While this doesn’t seem like such a big percentage compared to heating, it certainly adds up over the course of cooling season. Take advantage of the following solutions to conserve energy during warmer months:
Utilize your ceiling fans when a room is occupied. Set fans to rotate counterclockwise, creating a windchill effect that cools the skin. You’ll feel cooler without your air conditioner working harder. Turn off fans when you leave the room, because this trick is only useful when occupied – otherwise you’ll waste energy.
Do the opposite with your window coverings in the summer – close them to prevent natural heat gain that makes your home warmer and your air conditioner run longer. Blinds and other energy efficient window coverings let you enjoy natural sunlight throughout the day while preventing the sun’s rays from warming your living areas.
Using a more energy efficient air conditioner cuts electricity consumption to conserve energy at home. Create your ideal, energy efficient home with incomparable cooling comfort.