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1 — Measurement & Insights
2 — Media & Personalization
3 — Creative & Content
4 — People & Processes
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What testing techniques does your team use to assess marketing effectiveness?
Select all that apply.
Which of the following best describes your approach to identifying changes in consumer behaviors?
What approach do you use to optimize toward outcomes across the marketing journey?
What data strategy does your organization have in place?
Which of the following best describes your company's approach to audience definition?
Which statement best describes your organization's ability to sequence creative and formats across different marketing channels?
Which of the following best describes your approach to making in-market budget shifts?
How frequently are media and marketing spend allocations revisited?
How tailored is your creative content to different audiences within a campaign?
How does your organization approach testing and optimizing creative assets?
At which stages of the end-to-end creative workflow has your organization adopted GenAI?
Select all that apply.
My organization can accurately link AI initiatives to org level impact.
Please select the option that best describes how prepared and skilled your organization’s talent is for developing, implementing, and managing AI technologies?
Which stakeholder groups have you collaborated with or started engaging with to implement AI use cases in marketing?
Select all that apply.