Get more with YouTube Shorts and BrandConnect

Drive more performance with Shorts ads

Why YouTube should be part of your short-form video strategy
monthly logged-in users1
more likely to trust YouTube creators2
higher long-term ROAS than paid social3
See how these businesses grew with YouTube Shorts and creator partnerships
Meet the creators helping brands like yours connect with more customers
Aysha Harun527k subscribers
Jasmine Brown2.3M subscribers
Nyma Tang1.34M subscribers
Michelle Khare4.42M subscribers
Rhett & Link5.23M subscribers
Sierra Schultzzie1.16M subscribers
Get more with YouTube Shorts and BrandConnect
1 In 2023, YouTube Shorts crossed 2B monthly logged-in users globally.
Source: YouTube Internal Data, Global, May 2023
2 In an
Ipsos survey, users were 98% more likely to trust the recommendations of creators
on YouTube compared to other social platforms. Source: Google/Ipsos, BR, FR, DE,
IT, JP, U.K., U.S., Rethink Social Study, online survey, n=13,328 online users
18–54 who use social apps/sites monthly or more often (social apps/sites:
Discover, YouTube, YouTube Shorts, Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter,
Snapchat), July 2023–Aug. 2023.
3 According to a custom MMM
meta-analysis we commissioned with Nielsen, on average, YouTube drives 2.3X higher
long-term ROAS than Paid Social. Source: Equity-to-Sales MMM Meta Analysis
commissioned by Google, covering a 2-year measurement period of 20 CPG brands from
across the 2021-2023 timeframe. “Long-term ROAS” is defined as impact of each
marketing channel in driving brand equity & this brand equity’s impact in
driving sales, relative to the marketing channel’s media spend.